Aquawatt: in the energy transition
The inaugural AQUAWATT event, an event for operators, dedicated to hydropower, will run from October 29-30, 2024 at Piacenza Expo Italy.
The event will have a European scope organized by the Piacenza Expo secretariat with the patronage of ITCOLD, ANBI, Ass. Idroelettrica Italiana, ENEA, Assoc. Acque Sotterranee, RSE and the important contribution of ETIP HYDROPOWER, the European platform for technological innovation that unites the main public and private entities related to the management of water resources for energy purposes.
Topics on the agenda include:
Regional and cross-border collaborative projects
Benefit sharing
The role of multi-utilities
Retrofitting existing civil works
Technology transfer of sector innovations.
Underlying all of these will be increasingly careful and effective risk management in the face of ongoing climate change with mitigation options for extreme events.
Companies will be able to have an in-depth look at technologies and the increasing synergy between renewable energy systems. The exhibition area will provide professional networking opportunities for those working in the sector: technicians, designers, plant maintainers, builders of new plants, managers of networks and infrastructures for power generation and consortium companies for water reserves for irrigation and civil purposes.
AQUAWATT aims to address the need for supply and demand comparisons in the complex context of water management. To complete the event, GEO ACADEMY, a forum dedicated to geotechnical professions, will be held in parallel.
Piacenza Expo spa tel. + 39 0523602711