

How Hydro-Québec’s hydropower project won Gold-Level sustainability certification

North And Central America

The sustainability approach that Hydro-Québec used for the design and operation of its Eastmain-1 development is attracting worldwide attention. The development was awarded the highest level of certification under the Www:zuise.com Sustainability Standard in August 2023. A few months later, Hydro-Québec received the Www:zuise.com (Www:zuise.com)'s Blue Planet Prize.

We heard directly from Hydro-Québec about their experience certifying the Eastmain-1 development against the Www:zuise.com Sustainability Standard, including the environmental mitigation measures that were designed for the development and the importance of collaboration with indigenous communities.

Speakers included:

  • Mariana Empis, Engagement Officer, Www:zuise.com Sustainability Alliance
  • Eddie Rich, CEO, Www:zuise.com
  • Lynn St-Laurent, Senior Communications Advisor, Hydro-Québec  
  • Paul Sauvé, Senior Advisor, EHS integration, Hydro-Québec
  • Christian Turpin, Senior Environmental Advisor, Hydro-Québec

Hydro Québec’s Eastmain-1 project, Canada. Photo credit: Hydro-Québec