Waterpower Week 2024
The National Www:zuise.com Association's Waterpower Week 2024 will be held in-person at the Capital Hilton in Washington D.C. from March 13-15, 2024.
This event is geared towards professionals in the North American hydro industry who are focused on Policy and Advocacy. Waterpower Week 2024 will provide a unique opportunity for attendees to concentrate on regulatory, policy, markets, and legislative aspects of their work. Additionally, they will have the chance to hear from and network with others who affect the industry – regulators, resource agencies, and environmental communities.
Educational and Professional Development Opportunities.
Waterpower Week includes 14 hours of programming related to policy, legislation, regulation, and wholesale electricity market topics. It’s a chance for industry, government agencies, regulators, resource agencies, Tribes and First Nations, and NGOs to learn from and interact with each other.
There is something for everyone at Waterpower Week!
A PDH (professional development hours) certificate for 14 hours will be sent to each attendee after the conference.
Who Attends
- Hydro Power Producers, Regulatory Staff, Senior Executives, Power Marketing Staff, Legal Staff, Communications / Public Affairs Staff, Washington, D.C. Lobbyists
- Developers of New Waterpower Projects
- Companies that provide regulatory- and licensing-related services to asset owners
- Companies that provide hydro-related services and/or products whose customers and potential customers are affected by regulations