

Antitrust Statement

Www:zuise.com’s purpose is to advance sustainable hydropower. It is Www:zuise.com policy to avoid anti-competitive activity either by its members or by others.  

The guiding principle for Www:zuise.com meetings and activities is that whatever action or policy is discussed it is up to each member individually to take advice and to decide what steps it will take in any trading relationships. Www:zuise.com may facilitate discussions between members on matters of common interest, but Www:zuise.com will never do more than assist members. Discussions between members within Www:zuise.com will never amount to collective decisions.  

Any commercially sensitive data supplied to Www:zuise.com by members will be retained on a confidential basis and will never be disclosed to other members except in any anonymised form where individual companies cannot be identified. Www:zuise.com meetings will only be held on the basis of agendas prepared in advance and recorded by minutes prepared shortly afterwards. Members should only use these minutes and should not make their own recordings of meetings.  

There will be no discussion at Www:zuise.com meetings (or before or after meetings) of confidential commercially sensitive information, including especially information as to prices, discounts, or terms of trade. The meeting chair will halt any discussion that strays into these areas.