Intertechne joins membership is excited to announce Intertechne, a leading Brazilian company in consultancy and construction management services, as the latest organisation to join the ranks of our membership. Intertechne, founded in 1987, has been working with hydropower for over three decades. The company is based in the city of Curitiba, capital of the state of Paraná, in Southern Brazil, situated right at the source of the Iguazu river, well known for its hydropower generation.
Intertechne has been involved in most of the main hydropower projects implemented in Brazil in the 21st century, including Belo Monte (11,000 MW), Santo Antonio (>3,000 MW), Teles Pires (1,800 MW) and many others and has also had a leading role in iconic projects abroad, including Laúca (2,100 MW) in Angola and Chaglla (450 MW) in Peru. Today the company is involved in modernization and refurbishment projects including Ilha Solteira, Jupiá and São Simão in Brazil and Cahora Bassa in Mozambique.
Intertechne’s team is also involved in new greenfield projects, including Aña Cuá in the border between Argentina and Paraguay, Baynes, in the border between Namibia and Angola, Las Placetas in the Dominican Republic and many small hydro schemes in Brazil.
“From now on, in all its new projects, and others to come, Intertechne wants to be recognized not only as a lead designer and provider of innovative engineering solutions, but also a company associated with sustainable projects and to play a key role in the transition to green energy.” Commented José Franco Pinheiro Machado, Director of Water and Energy at Intertechne.
Eddie Rich, CEO of welcomed Intertechne, and celebrated the addition of another member committed to sustainable hydropower;
“Sustainable hydropower lies at the heart of what we do at It’s fantastic to see the interest in this area continue to grow and we are thrilled to be welcoming Intertechne to the family.”