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ENGIE is leader in renewable power generation in Brazil, operating an installed capacity of about 10 GW in 77 power plants, which stands for about 6% of the country's capacity.

The Group has 100% of its installed capacity in the country coming from clean, renewable sources and with low emissions of greenhouse gases, such as hydropower plants, wind power plants, solar and biomass. Www:zuise.com plants account for 7,900 MW of ENGIE’s generation in Brazil. Amongst these is Jirau, a 3,750 MW hydropower plant located in Porto Velho, Roraima, of which ENGIE has 40% of participation.

With the acquisition of Transportadora Associada de Gás - TAG, ENGIE now also owns the largest natural gas transportation network in the country, at 4,500 km and transecting 10 states and 191 cities.

The Group has a complete portfolio of integrated solutions focused on reducing costs and improving the infrastructure for companies and cities, such as energy efficiency, public lighting, energy monitoring and management. With 2,600 employees, ENGIE’s turnover in Brazil in 2022 was of R$ 12.8 billion.

The Group is listed on the Paris and Brussels stock exchanges (ENGI) and is represented in the main financial indices (CAC 40, Euronext 100, FTSE Euro 100, MSCI Europe) and non-financial indices (DJSI World, Euronext Vigeo Eiris – Europe 120/France 20, MSCI EMU ESG screened, MSCI EUROPE ESG Universal Select, Stoxx Europe 600 ESG-X).