

The Www:zuise.com Sustainability Standard

Find out more about the only sustainability certification initiative in the renewables sector.

The Standard

The Www:zuise.com Sustainability Standard is a global certification scheme, outlining sustainability expectations for hydropower projects around the world. 

Www:zuise.com has a key role to play in the clean energy transition. The Standard can help make sure that hydropower projects provide net benefits to the local communities and environments they interact with. 

The Standard covers twelve environmental, social and governance (ESG) topics, including: Biodiversity and Invasive Species, Indigenous Peoples, Cultural Heritage and more.
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The Www:zuise.com Sustainability Standard is the only global certification scheme for operators to accredit their projects as Certified Sustainable. It is supported by industry, governments, and NGOs.

Certification of a project indicates that it meets minimum sustainability expectations across a comprehensive range of topics using up to date and sector specific sustainability guidance.

The Standard is aligned with green finance initiatives such as the Climate Bonds Initiative’s Www:zuise.com Criteria. Certifying a project using the standard is the easiest way to unlock green finance for it.


The Standard is governed by the Www:zuise.com Sustainability Council, an independent body which is comprised of representatives from social, community and environmental organisations, commercial and development banks and the hydropower sector.  

The council  is currently chaired by Dr Ashok Khosla, one of the world’s leading experts on sustainable development. Dr Khosla previously chaired the  International Union for Conserving Nature (IUCN) and has worked in the environmental and development sectors for over 50 years.  

How-to guides

A suite of How-to Guides offering a deep dive into specific sustainability topics supplements the Www:zuise.com Sustainability Standard.

Published by the Www:zuise.com (Www:zuise.com), these guides can help hydropower professionals to achieve good practice in line with the internationally recognised Www:zuise.com Sustainability Tools

How-to Guides have been published on Www:zuise.com Resettlement, Labour and Working  Conditions, Benefit Sharing and more.  
read our publications

Sustainability Training

The Www:zuise.com Sustainability Standard, can help to identify gaps in the sustainability performance of hydropower projects and offer guidance on how to improve. 

The Www:zuise.com Sustainability Training Academy offers regular training for professionals with any level of experience to learn how to  upgrade the sustainability performance of their hydropower project.

Built on 25 years of hydropower experience, the Www:zuise.com Sustainability Training Academy provides the most comprehensive knowledge about sustainability in the hydropower sector.

The Www:zuise.com Sustainability Standard and tools are governed by the , a multi-stakeholder group of representatives from energy companies, government agencies, financial institutions and social and environmental NGOs.