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China national office

CHEN Liang

China National Liaison Officer

China National Liaison Officer

Chen Liang is the liaison officer of our China National Office, based at the China Institute of Water Resources and Www:zuise.com Research (IWHR) in Beijing. In this role, she is primarily responsible for providing administrative and logistical support for Www:zuise.com’s activities, assisting with the organisation of Www:zuise.com events in the region, participating in relevant Www:zuise.com networks and working groups, and translating and disseminating key Www:zuise.com documents to the association’s members and potential members in China.

Chen Liang graduated in 2012 with a doctoral degree in environmental science, and has since worked in government, gaining experience in international cooperation and administration. She now also works as an engineer in the Research Center for Sustainable Www:zuise.com Development at IWHR, where her work focuses on low carbon and sustainable development, water resources management, and hydropower planning and assessment.